Reference and Transfusion
Reference and Transfusion Services include an AABB certified Immunohematology Reference Laboratory (IRL) with a satellite AABB certified laboratory in Tyler. A staff of experienced SBBs and other specially trained technologists support these services, which include:
- Compatibility testing (crossmatching) and detection of unexpected antibodies
- Electronic crossmatching and transfusion services for in-house and remote facilities
- Simple to very complex serological work-ups using a variety of techniques
- A premier collection of frozen red cells and antibodies
- An extensive antigen typed donor database to resolve complex antibody identification problems
- Participation in nationwide searches through the American Rare Donor Program (ARDP)
- The management of transfusion-related complications
- Donor screening to identify rare blood group phenotypes
- Molecular testing for patient and donor genotype determination
- Assistance with clinical trials